Things tagged 'obstruction'

limited to the area of Cambridge Biomedical Campus Cyclists:

2 issues found for 'obstruction':

  • Contractor's fencing part-blocking cycle path

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    Contractor's safety fencing for some of the work going on adjacent to Addenbrookes has been put up on the adjacent cycle path, presumably because it's easier to to that than put it up in the building site itself. Unfortunately this obstructs about a third of the path.

    Whoever did this obviously realised that this was problematic, since they have painted the path side of all the bases yellow. Unfortunately this doesn't help in the dark.

    I can't see any obvious contact details for the contractors, apart from 'Tamdown' on an attached 'Danger - Deep Excavation' sign. Anyone any idea how to get this addressed?

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63 threads found for 'obstruction':

One library item found for 'obstruction':

No planning applications found for 'obstruction'.

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